Home > Underground storage > STORAGE INTEGRITY

Permanently safe

The long-term integrity of an underground storage facility including the exploratory and production wells is of great importance: It determines operational safety and thus cost-effectiveness. The entire system must maintain integrity over its full life cycle - this applies to both underground barriers and surface facilities.

Both nationally and internationally, regulatory authorities, as well as standards and regulations, require operators of storage and production wells to develop and apply systems for managing well integrity (e.g. DIN EN 1918-2, ISO/TS 16530-2, Technical Rules for Well Integrity). Based on these requirements, DEEP.KBB has developed a concept for the management of storage integrity. It takes the processes that endanger integrity into account on an interdisciplinary basis. This concept serves as a basis for us, but we always adapt it to the needs and requirements of the storage operator to enable a permanently secure operation of the wells or the entire storage facility.

Additional information: Flyer Storage Integrity

Untergrundspeicher Speicherintegritaet